Friday, January 2, 2015

Kick off 2015 with 13 EVO Courses for FREE!
Have you thought of updating your expertise and knowledge as an EFL or ESL teacher to start your new year 2015 differently? Are you looking for FREE opportunities to develop yourself professionally? Do you like to meet some new colleagues with different perspectives for teaching? Do you need some new web tools to spice up your classrooms and increase motivation to learn among your students? 

The answer for all these questions is just to click here to join one of the 13 EVO sessions that will begin on January 12 - February 15, 2015. No skills are required to start your new journey of learning. You just need a computer with an internet access and some time to complete the tasks during these five-week courses.  To make it easy for you, here is a list of all the courses offered:
  1. Using Moodle as a Bridge to Blended Learning
  2. Creating eTextbooks
  3. Dream Act: What Teachers Can Do
  4. Educators and Copyright
  5. EVO Minecraft MOOC
  6. Flipped Learning 
  7. MachinEVO 2015: How to make a Machinima for Learners of English
  8. ICT4ELT 
  9. International Writing Exchange 
  10. Moodle for Teachers (M4T) 
  11. Non-Native English Speakers in TESOL and Collaborative Teaching
  12. Teaching EFL to Young Learners 
  13. Teaching Pronunciation Differently
What are you waiting for?
Choose one or more and enjoy learning!

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