Friday, December 28, 2012

DNLE #6: Designing a New Learning Model

The Final Assignment:

Applying all what we have learnt, each team will design a new learning model catering to 21st century environments and learners. The design can be an application, system, pedagogical model, or education program, and should combine team interaction activities and learning support features in ways that are effective and appropriate for today's computing and communication devices.

The Presentation Content Should Address: 
  • The rationale: Describe the needs clearly and provide a logical and convincing rationale for the design. Technology alone is not going to be the primary composition of your model--your Project should consider the whole ecosystem that your innovative design will serve.
  • System function and features: Your project must consider potential idiosyncrasies with various learning devices (i.e. tablets, phones, PCs), infrastructure requirements (i.e. cellular network, wi-fi, Bluetooth), and any special hypothetical circumstances that are relevant. You do not need to produce a working prototype. You may use detailed pictures, diagrams, or other artifacts to mock-up and present your design and its features.
  • Target audience and learning conditions: Your presentation should address details about what conditions, who, where, and how your designed innovation would be useful and ultimately sustainable. You will not need to conduct an actual needs analysis.
  • Business/implementation model: Your project should include a description and defense of a business model (i.e. non-profit, for-profit, or hybrid), for the launch, implementation, scale up, and sustaining of the design.

The Presentation Will be Evaluated on:
  • Creativity and originality of the design: Is the design substantially distinguishable from existing and conventional solutions? (1 = Replication of an existing or conventional learning environment or solution design. 9 = Highly original, extremely unconventional, and highest excellence in design.)
  • Educationally sound: Does the design promote higher order learning or generate learnable moments? (1 = Design promotes mostly low order learning or technology/design does not incorporate a sound pedagogy. 9 = Effectively and appropriately integrates technology for triggering and facilitating deep/higher order learning.)
  • Engagement and interactivity: Is the design engaging and interactive for the learner? (1 = Design mostly delivering and displays content in a one-way transmission of information and knowledge. 9 = Design instills and maintains collaborative, constructive, or game-like learning environment at all stages of learning in the model.)
  • Accessibility: Is the design accessible for people with disabilities or for people living in underserved communities? (1 = No evidence of consideration whatsoever for learners with disabilities or special needs, or marginalized learners. 9 = Innovative ideas to make the design more inclusive. Positive steps are taken to make the system non-discriminatory and inclusive of the most marginalized).
  • Scalability and sustainability: How sound is the implementation plan and business model? (1 = The design has a low Return On Investment relative to its cost, has no consideration of the overall ecosystem, and will require continuous external funding support. 9 = The overall model can eventually become self-sustainable with start-up investment. The design will be valued by all constituencies in the target ecosystem.)

Final Team Project

Reaching the Reluctant Teacher by a Group of EVOToolers Click to vote up 39

Click Connect is a project proposed by a group of EVOToolers who met together in one of the EVO 2012 sessions and created a group to be connected to each other extending activity and sharing successful practices. We are 6 educators who have the same passion and enthusiasm to transform their experiences to other teachers who need a help:
  1. Ana Rivas, Peru
  2. Azhar Youssef, Egypt 
  3. Claudia Carril, Uruguay
  4. Débora Tebovich, Argentina
  5.  Miriam Mahapatra, Singapore
  6. Silvia Heshiki, Brazil
This project is designed by teachers for teachers who are unmotivated or reluctant to use technology in their teaching. We designed a multi-theoretical model that merges both the Constructivism and Connectivism theories together with the potential of technology to make a difference in those teachers' professional lives.

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Created by BigHugeLabs and edited by Snagit 9.1.2

Please, Click the image below to view "Click Connect" project!

Leave you with this video summing up what is behind our project !

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